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或許妳會問Eric Daman是何方神聖?

但若提Gossip Girl (花邊教主)或許妳會比較有點概念,

而Eric Daman就是該劇的造型師。


如果說SATC(慾望城市)是成人版的The OC(玩酷世代),

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NUMBER (N)INE的官方宣佈該品牌要收掉的消息,今天馬上上網查新聞


根據網路雜誌 Hint Fashion 表示他們收到官方聲明如下:
"When you're finished changing, you're finished." You guessed it: the Tokyo-based, Paris-showing men's label launched 12 years ago by Takahiro Miyashita is closing. The fall '09 collection—portentously called A Closed Feeling—was the last. Miyashita will exit the group, which has already begun disbanding, and "the brand as we know it will come to an end." The letter goes on to say "Over the last decade, Number (N)ine evolved, always forging ahead with a unique and potent vision, to emerge as one of the leading brands of Japan." We agree with the sentiment. Number (N)ine will be missed.

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明年三月Alexander McQueen將與Target合作於其旗下限時銷售的Target Go International發售
而風格靈感是由McQueen本人最愛的80末90初時的英國搖滾樂團The Duke Spirit女主唱Lelia Moss所啟發
故現時所公佈的海報Model即由Lelia Moss擔任

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